Can wood deck tiles be installed in bathroom?


Bathrooms are where the family uses and contacts every day. Therefore, if the bathroom space is decorated, beautiful design will bring comfort, relaxation and gentle to the host. Today, according to new trends, many people switch to using outdoor plastic base wood deck tiles to add beauty to the bathroom.




    Bathrooms are where the family uses and contacts every day. Therefore, if the bathroom space is decorated,

   beautiful design will bring comfort, relaxation and gentle to the host. Today, according to new trends,

   many people switch to using outdoor plastic base wood deck tiles to add beauty to the bathroom.
















Dose it has any problem with plastic base wood deck tiles

We all know that the bathroom is a place where all most contacts with water every day,

so many people think that it is not possible to use plastic base wood deck tiles for bathroom flooring

because we think the plastic base wood deck tiles is not water-resistant.










Now you do not need to worry about that anymore because the market has made of natural wood and plastic base wood deck tiles that are very good at water resistant, not waterproof in long time.

Natural wood or composite plastic base wood deck tiles are treated with a drying process that provides extremely high water resistance without warping, blistering and very low expansion.

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